Tag Team for Jesus Christ
Are We There Yet?

Speaking of road trips with your kids, I thought of one my husband and I took years ago with three of ours. You know when it gets to the point when they start whining and complaining, "Are we there yet?" (I say that now to my husband when we go out of town. Ha!) Well, we and the children had played every car game imaginable, and already stretched and taken all the potty breaks, but they were getting bored out of their ever lovin' minds. That's when the bickering starts: "Mom..., she's looking at me!" or, "Mom, he hit me." I knew we couldn't listen to that very long, so I prayed and the idea came to me to play another game, "The "Thank You Lord" game." I told everyone in the car that's what we were going to do, and I went first. I said, "Everyone has to think of 3 things to thank GOD for." One of the kids was like, "Whatever." Ha! You know how it is. We decided to do another round, and by the time we got finished with that round, we were all happy. I mean, the whole atmosphere so obviously changed, that we would turn to the "Thank You Lord" game periodically even after we were home. Nothing works faster on a negative attitude, or a critical spirit than to be thankful. Try it, it works, and it's fun to boot!
Soon after the family trip was over and the kids were back to school, the thought came to me, "Why not have a "Thank You Lord" DAY?" I love challenges, so "Why not?" I said to myself. The Lord has such a sense of humor b/c He knew what was going to happen. I made up my mind to only thank the Lord all day, and made up this game within myself that I wasn't allowed to ask GOD for anything all day long. Ha! I had more prayer requests phone calls that day than ever, it seemed. The first one was frantic. I said to myself, "Uh-oh, I might should have started this tomorrow." But, I found out that day, you can pray a whole day and not ask for a thing. I also found out how much Scripture I knew, and how much more I wished I knew.
This morning I was having one of those morning where I got so many prayer requests and was thinking on the problems instead of the solutions. Dadgum, I hate it when I do that! Then I thought of the song, "Rejoice In The Lord Always" and it came to me: the "Thank You Lord" day; so that's what I'm doing today. I hope you'll join me. I will end with an example of a "Thank You Lord" prayer for you: Father, Thank You for fresh mercies today. You said we could come boldly to Your throne of grace and find help in our time of need, so thank You so much for Your help in our time of trouble today. Thank You for loading us up with benefits, like wisdom, knowledge, understanding, safety, healing, and thank You for upholding us with Your righteous right Hand. WOW, are we ever blessed! Thank You for Your perfect love that is casting out our fears right now. Halleluia, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

© 1984-2018  •  Tag Team for Jesus Christ  •  tt4jc.com
another Project of Psalma Mama aka Dawn Gwin

Psalma Mama
aka Dawn Gwin